2024 Annual Banquet
The Mature Friends gala banquet is a time to celebrate ourselves – and leave the cooking to others!
This year our Banquet will be held at 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 20, at the Swedish Club, 1920 Dexter Avenue N. in Seattle, overlooking Lake Union. The Swedish Club has plenty of free parking (including handicap spaces) adjacent to the building. The evening begins with appetizers in the lounge, featuring a no-host full bar. The buffet dinner will include a choice of two entrees, several side dishes, fresh breads and butter, coffee and tea service and dessert. (Vegetarian option is available with registration.) Snappy attire is not required – but encouraged! |
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An important part of the evening will be a presentation to honor our many volunteers, including a special award for Volunteer of the Year! To nominate a volunteer for this special recognition, please email the name and reason to [email protected].
Registration is now closed. Join us next year.
Registration is now closed. Join us next year.